to the doctors’ questions during the meeting. “This shows their solid knowledge and likely future success”, Dr Venelinov thinks.
The meeting confirmed Dr Venelinov’s intention of establishing a tradition in the relationship between training and professionalism.
Dr Gospodinov presented interesting cases from various classes on restoration of chewing teeth or the so-called bonding of chewing teeth.
“Nature demonstrates excellence and we should be striving for it in our work” – this was the main concept supported by the results of each treatment presented.
Dr Venelinov greeted the participants for their desire to learn something new and useful in addition to the academic material.
“By increasing your knowledge you are investing in skills that will improve treatment quality and that is more than good for our patients”, he said.
The auditorium was full and the organization was perfect. The event was supported by Dental Medicine Student Association – Varna. Dental Depot Patricia supported the initiative with gifts for the participants.
The grand prizes were provided by Dental Studio Venelinov and were awarded to participants with correct answers to questions on lecture topics.
Professional GC composites were awarded to two students to put into practice in the next few days the knowledge obtained from the lecture. One of the prizes was Dr. V’s set with Axis burs, rubbers and brush, selected by Dr Venelinov.
Three students were given the opportunity to further expand their professional training. Two students were awarded with invitations to the upcoming lecture of Dr Venelinov “VENEERS IN THE ERA OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES”, and one student was awarded the opportunity to participate in Dr Gospodinov’s practical training on “BASIS AND PRINCIPLES OF USING RUBBER DAM”.
The next meeting with the dental medicine students from Varna will be held in the fall. Further information will be published at